Saturday, 3 December 2011

Best Way to make this December 2011 Memorable for Ever

December 2011

Well  I’m not talking about worlds end in December 2012 like silly things but I’m talking about the most wonderful month of a year and that’s- our SWEET DECEMBER!

Just remember the month of January 2011. You were full of enthusiasm and confidence, you had new goals, and you were appending new ways to your life. You were sure about the new you…   
Aren’t you…?

Now, for just 2 minutes; sit calmly and just think about January 2011, like when you do meditation or something…

Actually we all make lots of plans regarding New Year and well, it’s good to do so because it signifies that you care about your future and want to improve yourself! But after 2-3 months our Goals start fading and in July we even don’t remember them!

     And here it comes the last month December… Don’t feel bad because every one suffers from this situation. Actually “motivation is like a tier of your car; car will move whether air is low or high but for smooth experience you have to maintain a good level of air; you have to refill the 
air if it is low!”

Likewise motivation is not forever; you have to motivate yourself again and again whenever your motivation stream is low… So you have to motivate yourself daily like you eat food to pursued desired Goals…
But again a year is a very long time and for some reasons if you lost track about your Goals; don’t feel bad or embarrassed! Because we are human and well, human is a social animal. So there are some times when situation are not in your control! And Self-improvement is a life long journey, every one falls in this travel but the key is “Rise if you fall and never ever stop”…

An innocent boy was playing in the park with his father and suddenly fell down. Boy asks from his father with tears in his eyes – “Daddy, Why do we fall?
Father gives him a hand and hugged him than he replied- “We fall to Rise again.” And we all know this was the wisest answer.

So this year if you lost track of your dreams than Don’t wait for the new year to start new things! Because it will happen again and again in each December and you will lose your target completely!

So this December promise yourself that this December will be the last of this kind!!!

Research shows every self-improvement technique can be mastered in only 21 days i.e. 3 weeks! And what do you have..? A complete month!!! I.e. 30 days.

So today, list down all the works which you were decided in January 2011! And.. try to complete them in this December.
Don’t let the old works ruin your new year… ! There are lots of new things, new goals waiting to accomplishment…

!.So first list out all the targets you made for 2011.

2. Manage your time because you have only 30 days to wash out all the sins J.

3. Review your work progress in weekends there will be 5 Saturdays in this month. So write down about your goals and review them in each Saturday night before sleep. And motivate yourself in each Saturday, so the next week you don’t run out of motivation!! Well, you can also review my blogs for this purpose, if you feel them motivating J or you can do whatever inspires you...

4. Some goals needs a long period of time move them to New year’s section But for most of self-improvement goals one month is enough, So spend some time to think about the new Goals you want to reach in 2012 because its December and you have to plan about January 2012 too J.

5. Accept your failures, don’t hide/ run away from them! For everything in our life only one person is responsible and that is our own self! So accept your failures and this December promise yourself to not to repeat them in 2012.

6. Prepare yourself for New Year, if you decided to change your living with the New Year than you must be habitual of that kind of living form this month! Remember mastery needs practice. So left your old you and vanish this bad unmotivated you in December and Step-up with the new you in January 2012.

7. Spend some valuable time with your family and make this December the loveliest December for your life! Because money can be earned again if lost! But relationship will not! So this December be with your parents, son and with your wife and make it memorable forever.

I wish you good luck for your new life! I have started working on my last 30 days of 2011 to make this year the most amazing year of my life! When are you going to start……………………………….???????


  1. Thank you so much! December is certainly the thing to be posting about at the moment.


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