Saturday 3 December 2011

Best Way to make this December 2011 Memorable for Ever

December 2011

Well  I’m not talking about worlds end in December 2012 like silly things but I’m talking about the most wonderful month of a year and that’s- our SWEET DECEMBER!

Just remember the month of January 2011. You were full of enthusiasm and confidence, you had new goals, and you were appending new ways to your life. You were sure about the new you…   
Aren’t you…?

Now, for just 2 minutes; sit calmly and just think about January 2011, like when you do meditation or something…

Actually we all make lots of plans regarding New Year and well, it’s good to do so because it signifies that you care about your future and want to improve yourself! But after 2-3 months our Goals start fading and in July we even don’t remember them!

     And here it comes the last month December… Don’t feel bad because every one suffers from this situation. Actually “motivation is like a tier of your car; car will move whether air is low or high but for smooth experience you have to maintain a good level of air; you have to refill the 
air if it is low!”

Likewise motivation is not forever; you have to motivate yourself again and again whenever your motivation stream is low… So you have to motivate yourself daily like you eat food to pursued desired Goals…
But again a year is a very long time and for some reasons if you lost track about your Goals; don’t feel bad or embarrassed! Because we are human and well, human is a social animal. So there are some times when situation are not in your control! And Self-improvement is a life long journey, every one falls in this travel but the key is “Rise if you fall and never ever stop”…

An innocent boy was playing in the park with his father and suddenly fell down. Boy asks from his father with tears in his eyes – “Daddy, Why do we fall?
Father gives him a hand and hugged him than he replied- “We fall to Rise again.” And we all know this was the wisest answer.

So this year if you lost track of your dreams than Don’t wait for the new year to start new things! Because it will happen again and again in each December and you will lose your target completely!

So this December promise yourself that this December will be the last of this kind!!!

Research shows every self-improvement technique can be mastered in only 21 days i.e. 3 weeks! And what do you have..? A complete month!!! I.e. 30 days.

So today, list down all the works which you were decided in January 2011! And.. try to complete them in this December.
Don’t let the old works ruin your new year… ! There are lots of new things, new goals waiting to accomplishment…

!.So first list out all the targets you made for 2011.

2. Manage your time because you have only 30 days to wash out all the sins J.

3. Review your work progress in weekends there will be 5 Saturdays in this month. So write down about your goals and review them in each Saturday night before sleep. And motivate yourself in each Saturday, so the next week you don’t run out of motivation!! Well, you can also review my blogs for this purpose, if you feel them motivating J or you can do whatever inspires you...

4. Some goals needs a long period of time move them to New year’s section But for most of self-improvement goals one month is enough, So spend some time to think about the new Goals you want to reach in 2012 because its December and you have to plan about January 2012 too J.

5. Accept your failures, don’t hide/ run away from them! For everything in our life only one person is responsible and that is our own self! So accept your failures and this December promise yourself to not to repeat them in 2012.

6. Prepare yourself for New Year, if you decided to change your living with the New Year than you must be habitual of that kind of living form this month! Remember mastery needs practice. So left your old you and vanish this bad unmotivated you in December and Step-up with the new you in January 2012.

7. Spend some valuable time with your family and make this December the loveliest December for your life! Because money can be earned again if lost! But relationship will not! So this December be with your parents, son and with your wife and make it memorable forever.

I wish you good luck for your new life! I have started working on my last 30 days of 2011 to make this year the most amazing year of my life! When are you going to start……………………………….???????

Wednesday 23 November 2011

How to Keep Going When Life is Getting You Down

How to Keep Going When Life is Getting You Down

         First thing I want to say that is you can still go another one mile when you can’t even stand erect! And I think you all observed it in flight and fight type situations…

Do you ever wonder? How do people carry on when everything seems to be going wrong?
Imagine that you feel your heart has been broken into two and the future seems so black…
It really does not matter how full of life and determined you may be, but if you’re anything like the rest of us than definitely there will be sometimes when you’ll find it hard to motivate yourself and push through the difficult battles.
When you see no hope for the future, and everything just looks like a deep dark hole, it is really hard to continue with life. But there is light at the end of every tunnel.

There may be some situations like, just as an example-
1.     You are kicked from a job where you were working from couple of year.
2.    If your marriage is not working.
3.    You are on a project for a long time and you are totally exhausted about when it will complete!
4.    You are failed in some thing; which you loved a lot.

5.    Situations when you are hard hit in head by you own life….

We all face these type of situations in our life at one time or another and nobody is going to tell you the right thing to do. But there is something that you definitely do not want to do.  That something is… nothing.
When it’s time to make a move and you stand there doing nothing, you pretty much gets run over. Instead of making things happen, doing nothing just lets them happen to you.  This sucks for so many reasons, but primarily because it is not living.
Reaching a crossroad in life is never comfortable, but it’s also not the end of the road. It’s a time of uncertainty and challenge, which forces us out to the very edge.  It is here that we show what we’re made of.  Are we all made up of sand...?
So stop fearing from water! Drive in the river of difficulties and pass it with the world’s strongest boat i.e. your inner self.
 No matter how many wounds you take to the heart, just keep persevering.

1.  Look at your wounds in a New Mindset

In reality, everything in life is neutral, it’s all about how we interpret things with our minds! So just sit on confortable position and look at you and reanalyze; don’t be panic about past hit but concentrate on the new beginning with the new ideas!
Look whenever you are failed, you know one another idea that will not work! So you are being better by doing and correcting mistakes! Remember No one is perfect even the great God!
But the key idea is not to repeat the same mistake thrice! Instead try a new one there are infinite to do…!

2. Prioritize your time and everything else!

Don’t waste your time crying over past because you can’t do a single thing to alter your past but you can always do something to change the future!
Ask yourself a small but efficient question, that’s- “What Now?”
And then do the things which are urgent to do then do the things which are important but not urgent… if you divide everything in these criteria and if you are continuous on this routine you will soon find that you are doing the impossible…!

3.Only control what you can control & Be flexible

Some things are there which we can’t control like if you have a plan to go to picnic on Sunday but there’s heavy raining… you will soon be disappointed and you will curse everything around you but just think- if your bad mood can stop the rain? Answer is no!
Likewise sometimes due to some situation s we can’t achieve what we wanted to but believe me there are still lots of opportunities and plan s are there to accomplish. So be flexible with a plan.
Remember the movie “the A-team” You must have 2 or 3 back up plans for whatever you decide!

4. Take breaks and reward yourself!
Don’t be a workaholic be a smart worker instead! Take breaks when you are exhausted and do something productive AND entertaining like talking to your family so that you have a balance in life + your battery will be fully charged!
Reward yourself whether it’s a small or big success; it will make your subconscious strong + it will give you some light when you are in dark!

5.Trackdown your self
Just imagine a company without feedback, customer support and reviewer panel!
I’ll bate you will not buy a single thing from that! So how can you imagine yourself without reviewing yourself?
So first I’ll subject please write a journal and track down your daily routine.
And review it in the weekends and think about the difficulties or failure and writ down the ways how you are going to overcome from them…
Write whenever you feel good about your work and whenever you succeed in something that will remind you about your true self and save you from bricking….
Finally, Life is a non-stop journey and each moment is the destination so immerse yourself in the present as often as possible.

Monday 21 November 2011

Mother’s Sacrifice

This is a true story of Mother’s Sacrifice during the Japan Earthquake.

After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supporting by an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.

With so many difficulties, the leader of the rescuer team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman could be still alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away for sure.

He and the rest of the team left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reasons, the team leader was driven by a compelling force to go back to the ruin house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his hand through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement,” A child! There is a child! “

The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3 month old little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made an ultimate sacrifice for saving her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up.

The medical doctor came quickly to exam the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cell phone inside the blanket. There was a text message on the screen. It said,” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” This cell phone was passing around from one hand to another. Every body that read the message wept.

 ” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Such is the mother’s love for her child!!

Sunday 20 November 2011

How to become a Genius?

              How to become a Genius!

1. Be Goal And Results Orientated

Goal orientation is the number one tool you have to achieve your goals in life. With goal orientation, you can move with clear focus and clarity on the things you want. You will be able to be fast, efficient, driven and highly productive with your time.

To begin your journey towards goal orientation, start by writing your ten most important goals down, on a piece of paper. Write the goals down with conviction and power. As you do this over time, you're mind will become totally wired to making goal achievement a reality for you. You will be so driven and so focused that it will be unbelievable.

2. Be A Super Positive Thinker

The more positive you are in your thinking, the greater and more intense will be your success and achievement in life. With achievement comes gratitude, bliss and miraculous levels of self esteem and confidence. To begin your journey to positive thinking, you must start by focusing on the positive aspects of the things around you. You must see the benefit in a situation instead of the problem. You need to see the opportunity, the possibility and the joy which exists, and be hell bent and geared towards it.

When this happens, you will be able to come up with much greater levels of self confidence and ambition which will allow you to think like a genius. To think like a genius requires an extreme level of confidence. When that confidence level begins to expand and grow in your thinking, you can achieve great goals.

The fundamental tool you have to achieve your goals is a mind which only thinks a certain way. This certain way must be fixed and driven towards success in order to achieve it. So, be positive and develop a winning positive attitude for success.

3. Raise Your Intelligence And IQ

Raising your IQ and intelligence is the quickest and easiest way for becoming a genius. For example, you could practise lots of our techniques like PT, IS, VAK or our other methods. Using these techniques, you can raise your IQ and give yourself the brainpower necessary for high levels of intelligence quotiet, which is the cornerstone of genius intellect levels.

With a high IQ, it easier to achieve the brainpower levels of Einstein, Tesla, Isaac Newton or any other intellectual heavy weight that history is full of. Don't be stuck with a low IQ. Blast your IQ to 180 and above with our step by step training guide! There are only 3 steps in our guide which can transform your life:

As you practise , you will notice a huge increase in your intellectual ability. You will reach the intellectual level you want and achieve mind perfection!

4. Copy The Mindsets Of The Intellectual Greats
              There have been many genii who have existed throughout the ages, whether we think of the greats of ancient time (such as Aryabhatta,  and Socrates) or modern figures like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison. They were all brilliant in their respective fields and can teach you volumes about what it takes to become the best and reach the highest levels of achievement.

If you want to become like them, you will need to study their mindsets and strategies and what that can possibly do for you. Copying the best will make you become the best. Don't live a life of mediocrity by associating with those that aren't doing anything with their lives!

5. Learn As Much As You Can Every Day
         A secret to become a genius is to learn as much you can. The more you become an expert in what you want to achieve, the greater the chances of success. Your ability to succeed in whatever you want to achieve lies on acquiring knowledge and wisdom. You simply must become the smart person that is an expert in their field.

When you are an expert, you will come across as a genius all by itself. Start this process by reading and studying your field for at least one hour per day/ Making a solid effort to do this will make you one of the most skilled people in your field. As that skill increases over time, people will be in awe at the sophistication and development that you have obtained.

Things you can do here are to listen to audio programs, read books, attend seminars. Subscribe to blogs and RSS feeds of those that are up there and performing huge feats. Put yourself on the edge and at the highest level. Do this every single day and you will find your whole mindset changing for the better.

6. Believe In Yourself
              If you don't believe in yourself, then no one else is going to believe in you either. If you want to be a genius, you need to have a solid, deep found belief in your abilities and what you can achieve in life. You can't have haphazard thinking and expect miracles this way. Belief in yourself and your ability to obtain what you want can work wonders.

Every person who has ever achieved anything great in life has always believed. Belief is what gives you the strength to keep going where everyone else would have stopped. Belief is the magical power which keeps you standing up again when the going gets tough. Your beliefs will also have effects on your self-concept, the way you interpet the world and your relationship to it. Feeling supremely positive, optimistic and enthusiastic about genius will make it so for you.

Always say to yourself that you can. If you have a dream that you want to create and a life that you want to live, it can be yours when you access the power of belief. What happens inside your mind is responsible for your success more than anything else, so respect and utilise its immense power now, and reap the rewards for your whole life.

So in conclusion, the secret to become a genius is three things at its absolute basis.

First, you need to be goal orientated. That means writing your goals down first thing in the morning, every single day, without fail, so that your subconscious mind can be fully programmed for it.

Second, you need to be a super or hyper positive thinker. This hyper positivity draws positive people, experiences and situations into your life. You will also feel better on the inside and derive more satisfaction, enjoyment and bliss from everything you do.

Finally, you need to raise your intelligence. This means keeping your mind super sharp, in terms of clarity, focus and concentration. With that basis, you can achieve any memory, problem solving or logical skills you want.
They says for being a Genious in any field need 10,000 hours of work Einstein was not born Genious!
He dedicated his whole life for his work , So there is no shortcut for greatness!
A candle must have to burn itself to shine!

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